Inspired By Halloweeen Island Adventure Series on YouTube
Teacher's Classroom Tools
300 dpi 12"x12" Artwork

New Sauerpuss and Friends episodes air each week!

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FREE Halloween Coloring Page

These Creative Friends are getting ready for Trick or Treating! 

Creativity Halloween Decorating Idea!

1. Glowing Ghost Lanterns

  • What You Need: White balloons, cheesecloth, LED tea lights, black construction paper, glue.
  • How To: Inflate the balloons and cover them with layers of cheesecloth to create a ghostly shape. Cut out eyes and a mouth from the black paper and glue them onto the ghost’s face. Place an LED tea light under each ghost to make them glow eerily in the dark.

Check out our featured Sauerpuss and Friends Episodes Here!

We recommend using our shows to support and supplement your creativity and art teaching. These short episodes, which are seasonally thematic, can be used as a learning and hands-on exercise, or as an edutainment break in your normal teaching routine.

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Trick-Or-Treating Safety Tips

Trick or treating is one of the most exciting Halloween activities for young children, but as a parent, it’s important to keep safety in mind while you and your little goblins are out on the town. Here are some spook-tacular safety tips to keep in mind while you’re haunting the streets:

  1. Plan Your Path: Pick a fun and safe route with your family. Stick to places you know, and stay away from dark or spooky spots.
  2. Costume Comfort: Make sure your costume is comfy and easy to walk in. Bright colors or shiny bits help drivers see you better!
  3. Glow Bright: Add reflective tape or glow sticks to your costume or candy bag so you can shine in the dark.
  4. Light the Way: Carry a flashlight or use your phone’s light to help you see where you’re going.
  5. Stick to the Sidewalk: Walk on the sidewalk, not the street. If there’s no sidewalk, be extra careful!
  6. Safe Crossings: Always use crosswalks and look both ways before crossing the street.
  7.  Candy Check: Let a grown-up inspect your treats before you dig in. Toss any candy that looks odd or isn’t wrapped.
  8. Follow The Rules:Stay with your grown-up, and never go into someone’s house or car, even if they offer candy.
  9. Don’t Go Alone: Always go trick-or-treating with a grown-up or a group of friends.
  10. Have A Plan: If something goes wrong or you get tired, have a plan to call for help. Bring a phone just in case!
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Be sure to check out Sauerpuss and his Adventures on Halloween Island! There are three exciting episodes!

Exclusive Sauerpuss and Friends items available at The Benton Store on Etsy! 

Sauerpuss and Friends is designed to be Family friendly and a channel you can feel good about having your children watch. While our focus in on education, we also include shows that are enjoyable and entertaining to watch. 

This site, while also family friendly, is designed with the parent in mind. Here you will find links to our latest episodes, downloadable activities to support your teaching, and practical guidance and suggestions in using this resource in fostering creative thinking and artistic development in your children. 

It’s Squiggle Time! again with Sauerpuss and Friends! Join us for our creative bear  drawing! Squiggle Time! is an imagination and creative drawing exercise. Using a cloud image as inspiration your challenge is to come up with an idea based on what you can see in the clouds! It’s fun to stretch your mind with Squiggle Time!

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Homeschool parents! If you have a new video idea, a special creative request, or a question about our creative process, please reach out to us! Just click on Special Request Button below!

Sauerpuss Creativity

In this area Sauepuss will  share inspirations and  resources about creativity – from learning to be more creative, to creative inspiration, and tips and tricks!

Squiggle Time!

In this area you will be able to develop your imagination!

Here you will find squiggle images from lines and clouds that you can print out and use your imagination and complete your very own Squiggle drawings!


In this area you and your family will be able to download and print from a variety of creative activities! Color Me Sauerpuss™ pages, puzzels, mazes, and more!

Share Your Creativity

In this area you and your family will be able to share your creative ideas! Upload and share photos, stories, craft ideas, and inspirations!

Sauerpuss and Friends is dedicated to creating quality educational and entertaining content for children and families. Especially during the challenges we are facing in Ohio, around the country, and world, we greatly appreciate your support in helping us continue making quality creative content.

A Sneak Peak Illustration

New shows are always in production! Here is a still from filming turned into a coloring page!

Premium Membership Coming Soon

Subscription based access for our members who value more comprehensive creativity and innovation resources!

If you'd like to contact us click the button below!